" Increased reliability, safety, and timeliness of bus and bike travel would greatly decrease my use of a car to get around. These updates prioritize the type of travel Seattle wants to promote – I'm excited for biking and bussing to become the easier, more efficient option." - Megan W
" I use the bus and walk, and I do not drive, to get around the city. It's frustrating when so much road space is devoted to the private motor vehicle and transit riders are forced to sit in congestion even though we've made a choice that is better for the city and our climate. Similarly, it is important that I'm able to cross streets safely as a pedestrian, and this will help." - Dustin B
"I am a regular rider of the 40, as a resident of Crown Hill. It's an important lifeline for those of us not necessarily headed downtown. This project will improve reliability and speed of the 40 between destinations in North Seattle. There really isn't another bus that goes all around the NW part of town, so this is a really important bus to a lot of folks trying to get around within the neighborhoods served by the 40, as well as use for commuting. " - Elizabeth D
Take Action
Let our elected officials know you support the improvements being made. Sign our email campaign!
Ballard-Fremont Greenways Advocacy
BFG has long been advocating for transit, pedestrian, and bicycle improvements along the Route 40 corridor. We are very supportive of the design for the Route 40 TPMC.
In Ballard, the improvements include
- NB bus only lane along Leary Way NW (+ rechannelization elsewhere)
- Bus only lanes along NW Market St
- Improved crossings @ 20th Ave NW and NW Vernon Pl
- Bus bulbs to allow buses to stop in-lane

In Fremont, the improvements include
- SB bus only lane along N 36th St
- Improved crossings @ Dayton Ave NW and Phinney Ave N
- Bus bulbs to allow buses to stop in-lane
- A protected bike lane between N 34th and N 36th along Fremont Ave N

Personal Stories
"I use this bus to and from rehearsal in the late afternoon and late at night. I'm not an Amazon employee, I'm a theater artist who can't drive. Please help the people for whom a car isn't an option who live North of the Ship Canal." - Julia B
" I commute to work on my bike and ride on Fremont Ave twice a day. I'm so excited for this project's planned improvements to Fremont Ave, especially the protected bike lane. I also ride the 40 to Ballard about once a week to visit friends and local businesses in Ballard, so I'm excited for a more reliable bus service." - Anonymous
" Route 40 is one of Metro's busiest routes and provides rare east/west connectivity in the city between Fremont and Ballard, and Crown Hill and Northgate. This route should be one of the most reliable in the system, which will also help to mitigate the driver shortage that Metro is facing now. " - Skylar T
" I avoid taking the 40 because of late arrivals and it gets stuck in traffic regularly. These route improvements will drastically improve travel times, improve rider experience, and make me want to take this route. " - Connor D